According to ECRES paper submission rules, the authors can either submit a full-text paper or an extended abstract to the Conference. If the author submits an abstract, his/her abstract will be put into the abstract part of the Proceedings. In the case of full-text paper submission, it will be included into the paper part of the Proceedings.
Please note that all abstracts and papers will be peer-reviwed by the independent scientific committee. A signed acceptence letter will be sent to the authors after the reviewing process.
After the Conference, the committee will select the most successfull papers for the journals. The selected papers will also be announced at this web-site.
NOTE: Each registered author can submit maximal 2 papers.
- If you wish to submit an ABSTRACT please CLICK HERE in order to download the Conference Abstract Style File.
- If you wish to submit a FULL-TEXT PAPER, please CLICK HERE in order to download the Conference Full-text Paper Style File.
Use only this "word" format to write your manuscript and do not forget to write your permenant e-mail address into the file. Use the long forms for the author names.
The optimal POSTER SIZE is determined to be 100 cm height and 60 cm width.
First CLICK here or simply write "" to your internet browser.
1. Then, make a new user registry and upload your paper/abstract by following the instructions. PLEASE RECORD SOMEWHERE YOUR LOGIN and PASS, ORHERWISE YOU CAN NOT LOGIN THERE for the NEXT TIME.
2. You can also make slight changes in your paper/abstract after you upload your paper or abstract. For this simply use your password and login. You can either upload full-text or abstract of your study which is written in word (.DOC) format.
Please note that the maximal page range for the abstracts is 1 page.
In order to replace your abstract with the full-paper,initially CLICK here or simply write "" to your internet browser.
Then, you first log into the management system with your EARLIER E-MAIL ADDRESS. In the panel, simply click "Manage Submission File" to REPLACE the 6 paged full-text paper in DOC form.
If you would like to make a new paper submission (if the deadline is not over), you should click on "Create A New Paper Submission".