The Third European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES) was completed successfully. The event included the cutting-edge renewable energy explorations and technical papers/abstracts. 125 papers/abstract were presented in the event. From 38 different countries scientists and students participated. From Mexico to S. Korea a wide international forum was done.
The Second European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (EWRES) was completed very successfully. The event included the cutting-edge renewable energy explorations and teaching activities. 34 students from EU universities and Turkey were certified and got course credits defined by the ECTS. 22 teaching staff including the guest lecturers gave specific lectures on renewable energy technologies. In addition, 160 papers were presented by at least 154 scientists.
The European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (EWRES) has been ended very successfully. The event has been done in order to clarify the cutting-edge renewable energy explorations in Europe and the rest of the world. Within that context, the present and future perspectives on the renewable energy problems have been discussed by the scientists and the advanced courses on the multidisciplinary energy topics are presented to the students by the experts. The conference included the presentations of the participating scientists and covered some special invited lectures on wide ranges of renewable energy problems.